You walked into my life

Just like that

Without fear

And gracefully you

Put up a tent in 

My soul

You camped

As long as you needed

For me to 


What had been 

invisible for so long

For me to

hear my desire 

Call your name

Long ago

Like a ship


Further and further


From the mainland

The end of the line

No way to shine

Melancholic moments

Of sunsets and flowers

I’m kissing pessimism

Orbiting insanity

At the edge of order and chaos

A whole new mind

Echo of pain


The walls of my head

Are closing in on me

It’s too small in here

I’ve seen it all

Went around many times

Where’s the exit?

Somewhere a war is raging

drunk chattering monkeys

Chasing each other




Heading for 


Where do I hide

If it’s my mind 

I’m running from?

I need to do a big clean up

Vive la revolution!

All up for sale!

Unreal dreams

Rusty ideals

Self criticism



megalomanic ideas

All up for sale!

Two for the price of one

All has to go!

Open the windows

Fresh air!

Let the wind in

Let the wind bring



When words are just words

What are thoughts made of?

Doubt shame despair

Crawling out of the shade

feed hate

And arm the hateful

We sold our power

To clean love

Wanna pimp your soul?

We remember

The precious duty

Of a smile

Mama tell me

Why is there rain falling here

And not there?

Wanna tell me again the story

Of that stranger 

We used to see

Walking over the water?

Another time


Power of love

Another time

The time of the vikings is gone

Where do we go from now?

We all got 

An history overload


And kings 

Beauty and myth

Right and wrong

We’re Ancient species

We’ve got the genes

Not up for the task

Of modern myth

Why has all become


Where are the good old days 

Of black and white

The good and the bad guys

Who wants to deal

With all those contradictions

Embrace greyness

And something in between

Beauty is relative


So is power

And happiness

But Jesus 

Don’t leave us

As far as I can see

There’s no way to be

A perfect soul

Have faith without god

No small mission

Can you wish someone to get extinct?

At the edge of chaos and order

There is love

The steady beat is killing me

Artificial heartbeat

Reproduces yet another lie

Of lonesome perfection

Everlasting joy

I’m still missing chaos

My dreams left me 

This morning

Light comes in easily

Like nothing happened

Birds immerse themselves in the sky

A feeling I want to have

Belonging to movement

This day smells like


Somewhere out there

Is love

Give up 

The illusion of perfection


We’re all just barely

holding it together

There’s something brilliant about

Being a loser

Gloriously at the bottom

The only way to go

Is up

Sheltered life no life

What’s worse than a miserable life, a painful one?

No life at all

I fear to pass life in a half sleep

how do I wake up

or worse

I wake up

and I find myself among the sleepers


perfectly braindead

too healthy to live

a fear to age

to die

phrenetic body obsession

in literate degradation

alieniated hyperconnection

I know you

we met in Thailand?

please honey,

don’t talk to strangers

what are you looking at me

want something?


Inch’allah. If God wants it. Isn’t this a beautiful thing.  Not that I believe in God more than in my mother, myself or the Späti man. We see each other tomorrow! Inch’allah, he answers. That is not passive. It’s not that you won’t try to be there. You will do all you can to get there where you want to be. But, you never know.

Read More

Today I read:


The most demanding part of living a lifetime as an artist, is the strict discipline of forcing oneself to work steadfastly along the nerve of one’s own most intimate sensitivity”.

 Anne Truitt.

Game of love

Life is not a race

nor it is a competition

Life is not a prove to yourself

or a battle for outside recognition

It is a game 

of love

And it starts with a soft energy inside



Why are you always so different

Can’t you be happy the same

let us all behave normal


‘cuse you scare the kids around


let the kids rock it

let them be cool

let them believe there’s something

to go for to be cool for

to skip school for


I don’t’ know man

starting something with my life

In the job description

it wasn’t written

I had to believe in something


We can pretend for a while

Let’s imagine Lennon

I mean

as in pure imaginational

you wanna be the same

as Lennon

he was different

Art and stupidity

Art is a lot about letting go of this auto censorship. To get into a flow, a flow of stupidity. I mean, to connect to this child in yourself that plays around. Many times I was doing something I felt wasn't serious at all, just myself having fun, the stuff that came out was actually pretty great. To me, it's when the magic happens. When I stop thinking about 'Art' and 'Life' and struggle with 'Meaning' or worse 'Innovation'..... But I just do. Simply do. A lot. Some of it, I would like to share, some of it never at all. But who cares? It is in this chaos and overload that things get discovered.


Dangerous mind

Oh your sweet mind is such a powerful tool

one day it could kill you

but put your mind together

and don’t you worry baby

today you are

an unpromising beginning

but that’s all it is

the beginning

of the life you could live

if only you start


the best moment is twenty years ago

we know

the second best

is now

don’t’ get lost in reality

it ain’t what you see

nothing is what you think it is

what you think you see

you see what you want

you see what you know

but baby don’t you see

you don’t’ know a shit

don’t get lost in reality

it’s a boring place

do it now live it now

it’s a dream and tomorrow

we’ll sit and dance in

your reality


My daily soy latte

Wait give me a little polar bear

I will take care of the planet

you know

I take my daily soy latte

and vegan burger with mushrooms

and I go everywhere by bike

and on the net I buy

only local organic veggies


hysterically they pushed

the healthy food cult

down his throat

he could no longer even chew

a shot of lemon grass

a little sip of MDMA coke

and it was allright 

oh baby

Oh sweet honey baby

life is just a miserable shit

close your eyes for a moment

and forget about it

all just ego trippers

money money money

what’s so funny

can you save your soul with it

oh baby sweet

how can you lie to me

you promise me the world

but it ain’t worth it

cause if it’s filled with misery

I feel guilty

waking up every morning

I aint’ done no wrong

but I do feel guilty

So walking around feeling miserable

what a passive shit

is not much of a revolution at all

feeling guilty

a nice Christian pleasure

but it aint’ changing a bit

happy is a family